I'm making changes. Whether I'm making any difference is still to be seen, though.
The first change is that I changed the name of my sim from "Tetrapoli West" to "Lawria".
I began to consider this in the time when it seemed as if I might have nothing to be west of - and when that situation was resolved, it still seeemed like a good idea. I have begun to realise that the name "Tetrapoli" has been used on one GOR book or another, and that some of the more by-the-book Goreans therefore assume that my sim is Gorean. Nothing could be much farther from the truth, and to be honest I have had quite enough of explaining that. This alone is worth the price of a rename. Add a dollop of vanity and a preparation for a possible future "continental drift", and it was a no-brainer to me.
The next change will most likely come in the next few days, as I leave my adopted family to enter an alliance with them instead. I have a sim, they have a sim. They run theirs, I run mine. They have the Moirai Family, I will have Lawria Family. Much simpler for all parts, I think. Or hope, at least...
And my sub? Seems to have been a fundamental misunderstanding there which he was afraid to tell me about in fear of hurting my feelings. Now I have to figure out how to make it absolutely clear that he must never do that to me again...
SL18B Shop & Hop - Aurelian Sim - Gift Guide
3 years ago