I mentioned the ponyboy who brought me into the Family, didn't I? Yes - I did. We had many enjoyable rides over the next few weeks, and he was very impressed when I turned up for a ride wearing a full classic riding costume - complete with helmet and (non-functional) crop. We rode all over Tetrapoli and much of FFF where he had his home stable.
Whenever I log on, one of the first things i see is an IM with "Greetings, Mistress" from him. That really makes one feel appreciated!
But one day the IM held sad news - for me. He had been sold to a new mistress, who forbade him to ride out with others for the first week or so. He explained that this was his Dream Mistress who he had long wanted to be owned by, so I am happy for him. But sad for myself.
Out of the blue I received an IM from one of the first friends i made in SL, with an invitation to come look at some horses. She TP'ed me over to the AKK stables. Just as I arrived and things started clearing up a little I saw her TPing out, but by then I was fixated on the horses. I promptly picked up a demo horse (good for four uses) and went back home to gallop up and down the main "street". :)
And then it turned out that most of my Family had horses already, but had avoided using them when the ponyboy was around - and we were usually there at the same time...
They were all riding horses from S Haras though, so when I gave in to temptation and bought myself a horse that is where i went.
S Haras has a habit of running occasional online auctions to pay his tier fees - and what is sold there is a more-than-complete set of all his horses. Late one night I decided to bid in one of these auctions, and lo and behold - I won! Suddenly I had not one, but sixty-odd horses, including "regular" horses, battlehorses and pure fantasy creatures. And five to give to friends...
The first gift horse went to someone who had supported me when the auction was re-run after complaints that bids had been lost due to lag. I started off by resubmitting my initial bid, and noone dared bid over. :D
So what do I do with all these horses? That remains to be seen, and could be a good subject for a later blog entry. I do have a horse to match nearly every outfit, though - ballgowns excepted.
SL18B Shop & Hop - Aurelian Sim - Gift Guide
3 years ago
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